Day in the garden
Yesterday was a day in the garden. After how hot we’d all been, we were quite happy to sit in the rain. We helped Mum with all sorts of jobs and had a lovely time.
We filled the hole that had been dug under the side of the pond. Mum checked to make sure there was nothing in it first. She would have had a very big surprise if something had come indignantly scurrying out. As she said, she really didn’t want to fill the hole in if someone was down there.
Mum used the next to get the blanket weed out of the pond, with me shouting encouragement so she didn’t fall in. Ari was watching in case she did fall in. I think he would have helped fish her out but he might have had a laugh first.
Compost bins
Now, if you remember a few weeks ago our humans built the wonkiest compost bin in history. It took them many hours and much laughter, but it is still just about standing. Well, yesterday I helped Mum to build the other two that have now arrived and are a different make. We finished the job in about half and hour, which tells you quite a lot about the design. I like to think it was my supervisory skills, but I may be claiming credit that isn’t due. We didn’t have as many laughs along the way, but it does look as though they may stay up long after the other one falls apart.

Exhausted but happy
Aristotle was exhausted from the day before but Mum cheered him up by helping him to pot on all his seedlings in the greenhouse. They had quite a lot to do. Some of them don’t quite look as expected and it’s possible they may have transplanted some weeds, but they will find that out in their own good time.