Dog versus squirrel
Normally when you think of dog versus squirrel you jump to the conclusion that it’s us dogs in the wrong. You presume we have given in to the urge to chase the squirrels. Aristotle has never chased a squirrel in his life. The same can’t be said for me and Shadow but I’m not talking about us here. Aristotle is thoroughly fed up with the squirrel. It has dug up quite a number of his parsnip plants that had been doing very well, together with a row of carrots. Not only that, but it has now torn a strip of the vegetable trough liner off a well.
Putting in protection
Aristotle has asked Mum to help him put some protection in place. The options he’s considered are his sitting close by with a shotgun. Mum vetoed that idea very quickly. If she won’t let Dad take that approach she’s hardly going to let Aristotle. Option two was having me on permanent standby to chase the squirrels at the first sight of them heading towards the vegetables. I was up for that idea, but Mum said no to that one too.
Final option
The final option put forward was to get the cover for the vegetable trough out and stop the squirrels being able to get to them. The cover hasn’t been in place since just before the Great Caterpillar Debacle of a few years ago. You may remember on that occasions there were cauliflowers and broccoli doing so well that they were too big for the cover. However within a matter of hours of its removal the crop was decimated by hundreds of hungry caterpillars. Anyway, I digress. Mum thinks that is the best idea. However, the supports and cover are behind some things in the greenhouse and with her leg in a brace Mum cannot help Aristotle get to them.
Now the question is will Dad come home in time to save Aristotle’s vegetables or will the squirrels get to them first – watch this space.