It rained
It rained yesterday. Mum was so happy. I know that’s kind of strange, but she went rushing out with her hoe to work on the vegetable garden with Aristotle. Or at least, it would have been with Aristotle, but he doesn’t actually like being out in the rain, so he said he’d watch from inside. Mum wasn’t impressed by his lack of dedication. It’s all very well him wanting the credit from growing lovely vegetables, but that’s not fair if he isn’t doing the work. Aristotle being the dog he is just shrugged and said it made no difference to the fact he doesn’t like going out in the rain.
Too green
Mum is complaining that the front garden, which is the view when she’s working, is too green. She doesn’t mean she wants it all to dry out. And she really doesn’t mean she wants to concrete it over. She wants some splashes of colour. It is not as noticeable when the sky is blue, but when it’s grey the green is just too much. There’s no pleasing some people. Ari said she could have some of his sunflower plants when they come through. Mum said she needs more roses and some wisteria. She’s been waiting until we can improve the drive, which is waiting until we’ve replaced the garage, which is waiting for the man from the planning department to come back from holiday. Maybe she should just put some roses on the windowsill in the meantime.
Lazy day
Mum has said she wants a lazy day today. She’s asked me to take her breakfast in bed, but I don’t think she is really expecting me to oblige. She knows I wouldn’t be able to resist drooling over it between the kitchen and the bedroom at the very least.