The mower
The mower should arrive today. You wouldn’t believe how excited that can make a human. This was bought and paid for before Christmas and Mum has had to be very patient. She can’t quite believe it’s really happening. The sad bit is that we will all have to be indoors when she’s using it. However, on the bright side it now won’t take her as long as with the push mower. That means more time to do things we do enjoy and can take part in. I’m guessing when it arrives Dad will want to play with it, but I don’t think Mum minds too much if he does. It will mean everywhere can be neat and tidy for when my friend Flynn comes on Saturday.
My trips out to the country park keep being thwarted by April showers. Now when it is finally forecast to be dry again we have to wait for the mower to come. Mum says she’s sure it will arrive in plenty of time for us to go out to somewhere new too. It’s great when Dad is around as it does give Mum much more courage to try and do a few things.
They went to the National Herb Centre when it was raining yesterday. Of course, they came back with some herbs for the garden. Ari was cross as they are supposed to be growing them all from seed and he’s already got all the seeds ready. He just needs Mum to find the time to help him.
He said she could have spent the time it took to go to the garden centre helping him plant the seeds. Mum says she wants to repair the greenhouse first, but she doesn’t seem to be getting very far with that either.