Please pray for Shadow – Saturday 11th December 2021
Please pray for Shadow. She has collapsed twice this week. We’re very worried about her and want her to be back to normal.
Please pray for Shadow. She has collapsed twice this week. We’re very worried about her and want her to be back to normal.
Wilma is distraught that the apples are all gone. She has moved on to sticks and branches, but she’s hungry.
At last we’ve got beds in the office again. It is amazing how such a little thing can cheer us all up, Wilma says, as she sprawls across two of them.
Who spends holiday time cleaning? Wilma is not impressed, even if she did contribute to the dirt in the first place.
Wilma is excited as she is now officially on holiday. She doesn’t suppose it will seem very different, but she’s hoping it is.
Wilma is getting excited that it’s almost holiday time. She really wants a lot of time outdoors but the weather isn’t great.
Wilma has been supervising the switch on of the Christmas lights. She didn’t do so well helping with the fencing, but that’s another story.
Wilma writes in memory of Hendrix a friend of hers who died this week way too young. He was a good dog and Wilma is very sad.
Wilma is marking the arrival of the tree – now it just needs to be decorated, but the important thing is that it’s here.
Wilma is delighted to find that Santa has a dog and he looks awfully like the three of them – clearly Santa has good taste.
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