Whose priority is cleaning the house when they’re on holiday? Well, it seems it’s Mum’s. I’ll admit it wouldn’t be so necessary if we hadn’t done a round of shedding. For that matter I suppose the utility floor wouldn’t have been so dirty if we remembered to wipe our paws on the way in. I suppose we don’t really think much about the implications. The sad bit is that it won’t stay clean for long. It was also a good use of time as even I wouldn’t have wanted to go for a long walk in the weather we had yesterday. I didn’t do any of our moods any good, storms never do. It’s funny how sensitive we can be to changes in atmospheric conditions. Humans can be too, but they don’t always think about what’s going on.
Apple shortage
Our big pile of apples isn’t a big pile anymore. Another few days and there’s a serious risk we’ll run out completely. On the bright side, the storm has blown down a few branches that will be great fun to play with, but it’s not the same as being able to eat endless apples. I suppose the problem is that they weren’t endless after all, they just seemed like it at the time. Maybe we should have rationed ourselves, but dogs just don’t do that. Dad has got a load of apples in storage for the winter. I’m trying to open negotiations with Mum as to whether we could have some of those. It’s not going well.
At least with the rain it means we don’t mind Mum doing inside jobs like putting up curtain poles. Although yesterday was funny as Shadow wandered underneath where Mum was drilling and ended up with plaster dust in her fur. Mum was very good and cleaned her up and didn’t even take her photo. We had the sense to keep out of the way.