Bowl disaster
There has been a bowl disaster. Yesterday morning at about 0715 hours Mum dropped Shadow’s bowl. I’m sorry, but yes, that’s what I said. The bowl that Shadow has had since puppyhood has been broken. Now I know Mum didn’t mean to do it and it was an accident, but for a dog having your bowl broken into a thousand pieces is a very big thing. Shadow’s little face was distraught. Obviously, Mum ushered us all out so she could clear up and then she did everything she could to apologise.
Mum was contrite
We all realised just how sorry Mum was when she went to the cupboard and took out the bowl that was Alfie’s and presented it to Shadow. Well at that point I did the dog equivalent of gasp. I had never imagined Mum giving Alfie’s bowl to any of us. Ari and I just looked at Shadow. What could she do in the face of something like that? She very graciously accepted and has said she’ll treasure it.
More bad news
About an hour later we had some more bad news. Dad won’t be able to fly home this weekend. Someone he had been at work with has tested positive for COVID and it means he needs to make sure he’s ok before he can travel. He’s not going to be home for Christmas. You can imagine how glum we all were after that. Mum even felt like taking all the Christmas decorations down. I said could she at least leave our stockings up or there would be nowhere for Santa Paws to leave our presents. She relented and tried to cheer up.
I tried to help by counting off the positives. I was mainly focussed on just how much turkey there was going to be – but the thought was there.