Santa has a dog
It turns out that in our house Santa has a dog and he’s got good taste. It all started when Mum looked at how Santa could be secured to the roof. His head fell off. To be honest, his head has fallen off before, but this time Mum looked a little closer. His head can be put back on his body but the clip that holds it in place is broken. There is no easy way to repair Santa to make him safe to go on the roof. Mum thought about the macabre alternative of a headless Santa, but she’s too soft hearted and didn’t want to cause distress to passing children. Santa has therefore found himself a comfortable seat in the hall with his dog for company.

No tree yet
We don’t have a tree yet. Mum keeps saying she will go to get it for us and then something else comes up. She was going today, but now the plumber is coming so she has said it might have to be delayed again. I went and pointed my paw at the calendar and stared at her. It’s just, we all like having the tree in the house and we want it here for as long as possible. It really cheers a place up on a dull winter’s day. Ari’s promised not to pee on it and I’ve promised not to open any parcels. She said if she can’t get there today then she will ring to order it and collect it on Saturday. I suppose we’ll just have to be patient. That’s not our strong suit if you haven’t already realised. We are a ‘want it now’ sort of a breed.
On the bright side, I think the fencing wire might come today so if Mum can get that fixed I’ll have a bit more freedom again – until I find another hole in the defences.