Building bridges
Life should be about building bridges rather than fences. I tried suggesting that to Mum when the big fence started to appear around the garden. I can tell you with some certainty that there is no possibility of me getting out in the direction of the fields we’re now fenced from. Even the hole where I get round behind the hedge has been blocked off. I know it’s a good thing, but it is a little disappointing. The smaller wildlife will still be able to visit our garden, but it’s going to stop some of our visitors too. The upside of that is there will be fewer to share my apples with. Mind you, some of the blackbirds have been tucking and when they really get going they can get through a fair amount.
Aristotle’s job
As head gardener, it’s now Aristotle’s job to work out what Mum can grow in front of and over the fences so they look at least green. Mum did have some ideas, but I think Ari is advocating more apple trees – the ones you can train along fences. Mum’s never done that before so it might be fun trying. I’m asking for more Golden Delicious as I definitely like those. We used to have Gala and I did like those, but Mum did too so it meant sharing.
Local walks
Mum has been talking to me about some of the walks we have planned. It’s great, our local pub has a number of walks on its website and Mum says we can try all of them. They are circular walks from the pub, but as the pub is only a few hundred meters up the road it means they are circular walks from our house too. When we can Mum says we can include a visit to the pub in the walks as it would be nice to meet the local people and dogs. It’s great that the pub is dog friendly. I’m looking forward to that.