If at first – Sunday 14th November 2021

If at first

If at first you don’t succeed, try try again. I didn’t get my muddy walk yesterday. The time that was planned was cruelly snatched away from me by expected deliveries. Mum was very apologetic and said she did need to be in for them. I just sighed. At the end of the day how important is a new coffee machine? That’s humans for you. Anyway, I’m off at ten this morning instead and I’m going to sit here by the door and wait. If I wore a watch I’d resort to tapping it at intervals just so they couldn’t miss the fact I’m waiting for them. Mum says she needs a good long walk too, so I don’t think it’s just me. It was just that she needed coffee even more!


Mind you, I should cross my paws that our afternoon plans don’t change either. Both Mum and Dad have said they want to work outdoors. That’s always good news. Dad wants to shred some of the garden rubbish so he can turn it into compost and Mum is determined to move the seats into position, even if she has to dismantle them first. I’m just going to offer some encouragement. I might eat some apples too. I need to get to them before Dad does.

Quiet Week

Mum says she’s hoping for a quieter week this week. Last week was much too busy in lots of ways. I think this week will be more about spending time pottering together and that is fine by me. There is still a lot to do around the house, but Mum says she needs a break. She’s got a new book coming out later in the week too, so I think she wants to focus on that. I’m looking forward to when she starts the next book. Then our walks are about discussing all our ideas for it before she starts. I do like to be included in these things.

