Old dog new tricks
It seems you can’t teach an old dog new tricks after all. Aristotle is back asking to go to bed at 8pm again. He’s managed to stay up later for the last three weeks, but little by little he is going back to his old ways. He says there is nothing wrong with being a creature of habit. The problem is he is giving Mum a choice. Either she goes to bed at 8pm so that he’s happy or he has to be put in his crate with the door closed. I’ve tried to explain to him that he can go to his crate with the door open – that’s what I do, but he’s not having any of it.
Whose crate is where?
He’d be happier to go back to sleeping in his crate and not being disturbed. The problem is, I took a liking to what should be his crate in the utility and I take myself off there when I want a quiet forty winks. He’s got my crate in the hall, which he also likes but it’s a bit small for him to stretch out. Mum is going to have to work this one out, I’ve given up. The irony is that Shadow has gone the other way and doesn’t want to go in a crate at all. She starts howling if Mum asks her to go in, even for five minutes.
Day out
We’re having a day out tomorrow. It’s not so much fun as it sounds. Dad has to go to the hospital back in York, so Mum is driving him there. We’re all going for the ride. I don’t mind too much, but I do hope Shadow isn’t going to howl all the way there and back in the crate in the boot.