Lovely days
We’re having such lovely days together. The good weather is helping as it means a lot of time outdoors. Mum was out in the morning. Despite Dad being in the garden and saying we could go and help, we did sit by the front door waiting for Mum to come home. I was more discreet about it than Shadow and Aristotle so didn’t end up in the photograph. Mum thought it was funny to see us all with our noses pressed against the glass. She did ask who was planning to do the cleaning, but we haven’t volunteered.
Once Mum was back we all went outside. She has started to find homes for things in the garden and was quite enjoying make it look a little more ours. Dad on the other paw was busy working on his compost. Sadly that is not a euphemism. He really is trying to create good compost in the garden. He’s taking it all very seriously and Mum is simply smiling and nodding in the right places. Mum was busy filling the vegetable troughs with soil, so she’s not better really. At least it means she and Ari will be ready for when they can start planting. I’m more a consumer of the vegetables than a grower.
We went for a lovely walk later on. Worryingly, Dad used the opportunity to collect nettles for his compost. He’d gone with a bag ready for their collection. We met one of our neighbouring dogs. It was good to say hello in pawson. We’ve been shouting to each other through the fence but it’s much better to put a face to a bark. Sadly, she’s going to be moving soon, but only over the road so I can still call to her.
