Who am I?
Here’s a question for you – who am I? Now, I know what you’re thinking and you’re going to say it’s obvious. I am Wilma Dog. You know that. I know that. Mum knows that. She even got it right when she placed the order for our new collar tags. Now it seems I’m going to need to change my name to Aristotle. When the tags arrived there is one for Shadow, two which say Aristotle and none with the name Wilma. Mum has emailed the company to follow it up and is awaiting a reply. This really isn’t fair. I like my name. Oh, I like the name Aristotle too, but that doesn’t mean I want anyone to try calling me that.
Traffic Jam
Shadow was really fed up yesterday. Her trip to the new house was much longer than she expected. Mum didn’t take her lunch with her as she thought they’d be back to have a slightly late lunch. Firstly, Mum spent much longer talking than Shadow was expecting. The real problem however was the journey back to where they were staying. They were held up in a big traffic jam. You can imagine what Shadow had to say when they didn’t get back for her lunch until two and a half hours after she normally has it. She’s a creature of habit at the best of times and she really wasn’t happy.
The week ahead
At least it’s now Monday and I’ve only got to stay with Aristotle until Wednesday. Shadow doesn’t want to come back to look after him, but that’s just too bad. He’s her son. I don’t see why I should have to babysit him any longer. I know he’s older than me, but you get the point. In my book, Wednesday and I’m free!
Hi Wilma, so pleased it is not long until you move to your new house and you can all be together again. I hope you get your new disc sorted, a shame for you Mum as she has enough jobs to do at the moment. My Mum is getting better slowly. She had the fat dressing off last week and she is allowed to shower again which she is pleased about.
She has to see the Dr. in 3 weeks so hope it is good news and she can come walking again.
Is it Ari`s birthday today? if so please pass on my best wishes.
The weather is a bit dull here today so I am off for forty winks until the sun comes out.
Lots of love to you all, Dickens XXXXX
Hey bro, good to hear from you. My birthday’s not until 19th but I’m happy to start it from now. Thank you.
I’m so glad your mum is doing well. You must really miss taking her out for walks. You may need to retrain her once she’s back, but I know you’ll have that organised.
I just can’t wait to get out of kennels. It’s been a long old time and I do miss the home comforts. I’m a pipe and slippers sort of dog at heart.
Love to you all