We’re campaigning and you can help. Many of you will be aware that the Government is planning legislation to increase the age of importing puppies from the current 15 weeks to 6 months of age. We’ve all seen the horror stories of underage puppies, illegal imports and poorly looked after dogs and if it stops all that then of course it is a good thing. However, nothing is that simple and there is the risk of unexpected consequences.
Responsible Breeding
In a breed such as ours, where there are not many in the UK, it is very important for our long term health to ensure we have genetic diversity. To do that, it is of great benefit to import puppies from overseas. This gives us new and different breeding lines. If a dog cannot enter the UK until he or she is six months old, it is very hard to find good overseas breeders to agree to sell you a puppy. It all becomes too expensive and too much work for them to care for and socialise the dog for you. It has a detrimental impact on good breeding programmes in the UK.
What are we doing?
We have launched a campaign to have the follow provision included in the legislation:
To allow Kennel Club recognised Breed Clubs to apply for a permit to import a puppy as per current requirements, at age 15 weeks, where that puppy is:
- To join a Club breeding programme
- Is being imported from a breeder recognised by the FCI breed club in the puppy’s home country
- Has been bought and paid for by the ultimate owner direct from the breeder and is not for resale.
We need you to help
We need you to help – all of you, yes you, stop looking away. I can see you. Here’s what you can do so far.
Complete the online survey HERE or email your response to AnimalWelfare.Consultations@defra.gov.uk and ask for the above amendment to be included in the legislation. You can also help swell our numbers by liking our Facebook page HERE so we can keep you informed and ask for your help with other actions. Please help us. It is really important to our own breed and others like us.