Beacon Hill – Tuesday 31st August 2021
Another day another park – so what did Wilma think of Beacon Hill Country Park in Leicestershire? – Read on to find out.
Another day another park – so what did Wilma think of Beacon Hill Country Park in Leicestershire? – Read on to find out.
Wilma wants to tell you all about Bradgate Park. It’s one of Mum’s favourite places and Wilma can understand why that is.
Yesterday Wilma discovered the delights of Swithland Woods – she and Mum are having a wonderful time amongst the trees.
Wilma has been to Badby Wood – now she wants to know what it was they could hear in the undergrowth. Mum wouldn’t let her find out.
Wilma has been to Everdon Stubbs and loves it. She thinks you might like going there too. She can tell you all about it.
Wilma is busy doing a happy dance – she’s back with Mum and that’s exactly where she’s supposed to be. Now she wants to make the most of every single minute of their time together.
Please help us campaigning for a ‘Responsible Dog Breeding Amendment’ to the proposed legislation to increase the age for importing a puppy.
Shadow wants to stay and it is leading to arguments and concerns. Wilma just wants to be able to do her job, that doesn’t seem selfish does it?
Wilma is asking ‘is she a cat?’ following Shadow’s recent odd behaviour. There certainly seem to be some early warning signs.
Shadow is not impressed about getting wet yesterday. It’s her tummy which is the real problem and she’s protesting about the problems.
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