Round One to the Squirrels – Tuesday 1st September 2020

Round One to the Squirrels

Well round one had gone to the squirrels. Mum has now set her camera up on the tripod so it is in exactly the right position. The weather has improved so she is now happy to sit outside for extended periods of time. But for the occasional wasp, she is content to sit absolutely still. She has put nuts out for the squirrels. The squirrels have been and taken the nuts. Sadly the different events have not coincided. The squirrels have only taken the nuts when Mum wasn’t outside with the camera trained on them.

The only photos she actually managed to get were one of Dad, who really doesn’t move all that much at the best of times. One of the pigeon, who I think has now eaten too much bird seed to move very far or very fast, and one of the bird ornament on the summerhouse roof. Dad said he’d worry if that one had flown away before she’d taken it.

A Worrying Trend

A worrying trend seems to have developed. The cheesecake Mum made proved so popular that she now plans to make another. So far, of the three of us dogs, only Aristotle has been able to try any. Shadow has been told that unfortunately it really wouldn’t be good for her. I have simply not been in the right place at the right time. Ari, on the other paw, has now had a small amount from Mum’s finger twice! It’s favouritism. He said he really liked it. I’d just like the opportunity to find out.

I’m torn between encouraging the trend and pointing out to Mum that if she keeps eating she won’t do herself any good. Oh, who am I kidding? I just want to try the cheesecake as any self-respecting dog would.

