It didn’t rain
It didn’t rain. That’s about the best than can be said about the weather at the moment. We did spend some of yesterday outside but it wasn’t the sort of weather where you can persuade your humans to stay out for hours. I know we’ve got fur to keep us warm but even with multiple jumpers they were still complaining. We did sit watching the birds on the feeder in the morning. That was kind of fun. Although I prefer it when I can chase them. In the afternoon, Mum and I sat out for a while and I was just sniffing the air, reading all the little notes the world was leaving for me.

Shadow and Ari had been kicking off earlier in the day because they could hear the combine harvesters out and about. It meant when I was outside I wanted to know exactly what had been being harvested. I could also smell next door’s grass being cut, but then Mum said she could smell that too. Even if we couldn’t smell it we would have known from the sound of the mower.
Nuts and things
I had a good sniff to see if the squirrels had dropped any bits of nuts and sunflowers. Sadly they are pretty thorough in their eating habits and only leave me the shells. Mum laughs that they are a bit like having teenagers in the house as they keep putting their empty shells back in their feeder so she doesn’t always know when they’ve finished their food. Given that she never managed to train the teenagers not to put empty packets back in the cupboard, I don’t suppose she’s going to succeed in training the squirrels to discard their shells in a better place. I wonder if she could get a nutshell bin that released more food when they put a shell in it.
