Silly Boy
Ari is such a silly boy. Yesterday Mum set aside some time for him to spend with her completely undisturbed. I had gone to day care to play with some of my friends and Shadow said she was happy to have a quiet nap on her own. Anyway, after twenty minutes or so, Mum couldn’t see where Aristotle was. She looked around the office and in the places he normally sits. She looked out of the window. There was absolutely no sign of Aristotle. Then Mum had an idea and went through to where his crate has been for the last few weeks. There he was, curled up in his crate taking forty winks, even though he didn’t need to be there and there were actual beds and settees nearer to Mum. He really is a creature of habit.
Waving Dad Off
We have to wave Dad off again today. He is going back to my beloved Switzerland. I’ve told him to take my love to my sister and the puppies. I’m really hoping he’ll go and see them soon and send me some photos. We’re all going to miss him, Mum more than the rest of us and that’s saying something. Shadow thinks she has the most to complain about, but then she always does. At least Mum can bring Shadow’s bed back to our room so I don’t have to share mine anymore.
It seems that getting the squirrel feeder in place can’t come soon enough. The squirrel is not content with the peanuts she’s been munching her way through. There were two holes in the lawn yesterday and some empty acorn husks. Clearly she found where she hid some snacks last year and dug them up again. Mum says that peanuts aren’t all that nutritious for her so it is understandable. We’re going to get some special squirrel food for her new table and hopefully put it up this weekend.

Oh dieses Foto wurde bei uns im Kornried gemacht. Schöne Errinnerung. So schnell vergeht die Zeit.
Wünsche Euch allen einen guten tag und Chris happy landing in Switzerland.
Liebste Grüsse vom Berner Oberland Maja Fritz und die Entlebucher Rasselbande
Thank you. We can’t wait to be able to come to see you all again. Our love to you all, especially my sister.
Love Wilma