Wildlife – Sunday 2nd June 2019


I’m a soft-hearted dog and I really do love wildlife. It’s funny, but the wildlife seems to know when it can share our garden and when it can’t. Alfie’s and I are both softies and won’t chase anything. The girls on the other paw are not so good with that. I am however getting a bit worried about our squirrel. Little by little it has progressed from running along the fence when we are around to joining us in the garden. Yesterday it even cam right up to the back door. The door was closed, so it didn’t come in, but I rather have the feeling that one day our Mistress is going to look up from her desk to find a squirrel sitting next to her. I just hope it’s me in the office when it happens and not one of the girls. It may be able to smell the bag of peanuts which is quite near the back door. If that is the case then I guess we’re going to find it curled up asleep nearby with a very full tummy.

Bird feeder

To say that the squirrel gets encouragement would be putting it mildly. Our Mistress won’t buy squirrel-proof bird feeders as she rather likes them dropping by. Our squirrel has worked out how to take the bottom off the birdfeeder so there is a regular game going on of our Mistress having to refill it. She has even been wondering if there is a way to get the squirrel to leave the pin that holds the bottom together somewhere convenient to save her scrabbling around on the ground to find it. She found training us hard enough. How she plans to train a squirrel is anybody’s guess! That of course will not stop her from trying.

