Christmas – Thursday 11th October 2018


Oh you’d think it was too early to be talking about Christmas, but it seems our Mistress is thinking about it already. In her defence, it is not entirely her own fault. She met a friend at the garden centre yesterday and they were putting out the Christmas display. It wasn’t the things for sale which have caused the problem. She could resist all of those. It was the life sized white reindeer with a moving head and tail that really did it. She didn’t even want the life sized polar bear. Apparently he didn’t move, but the reindeer has been all she has talked about since. I can dress up. I can move my head and tail from side to side and pretend, I can stand there and act dumb! Please note, it would only be an act! Thankfully I don’t suppose for a minute she will be able to find one that is both available and reasonably priced, so I guess she’s just going to have to keep visiting the garden centre.


If you are under the age of ten, please stop reading now and go and do something else. Anyway, in our village Santa visits each year. We did have reindeer one year, but he’s left them outside the village on his other visits. This year, Santa really will be flying in especially for all of us. He might not actually travel wearing his red suit as he tends to get mobbed by small children when he does. I think that must make travelling remarkably difficult all things considered. I’m guessing he’ll wait until he’s close by before he puts his full suit on. I know it’s ages away, but that’s the bit of Christmas we dogs are getting really excited about. And not just because he’ll bring us presents either!

Have a great Thursday


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