Early Walks – Wednesday 27th June 2018

Me and Wilma

Early walks

We’re into early walks and contingency planning this end. Other countries cope very well with hot weather but here we’re so unused to it that we’re hopeless. Wilma and Shadow said they are more than happy to get up a little earlier so they can go for a nice walk before it gets too hot. Ari says he’s more than happy to find a shady spot to lie in and forgo the walk. Our Mistress has been waking up early anyway, so that’s that one sorted.

Car Travel

The biggest problem is car travel with dogs in hot weather. Our Mistress has been searching for additional information on service stations and places that make provision for people stopping with dogs and there really is not much out there. The best the UK service stations suggest is you tie up your dog outside while you go in. In this day and age, with so many problems of dog theft who in their right mind would leave their beloved dogs tied up in a public place and leave them? We need service stations to have covered parking areas or even garages that you could park in.

Contingency Plans

Our Mistress does have a special tailgate lock that means she can leave the boot partly open and still locked. However she still worries about Wilma and Shadow’s safety when she does that and she is going to have to move everything else out of arms reach in the boot so nothing gets stolen. Her main plan is to only stop under the canopy of petrol stations. That either means filling up with fuel every time she wants to stop or just brazenly taking advantage of the canopy. There really has to be a better solution for us. Our Mistress is far from being the only human doing long distance driving without a human passenger to help. What ideas do you all have and what can we do to make it better for travelling dog owners?


One thing our Mistress really likes in Switzerland is that parking signs show you which are covered and which are open. There is much more covered parking than we have here, although not in service stations. Sometimes life can be very difficult. What ideas do you have?


Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE

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