Dry weather
Dry weather has its bonuses. On the down side our usual walk is so overgrown with long grass that Mum doesn’t like taking us there when it’s hot and dry. Firstly, she doesn’t like her legs being bitten, but secondly, she doesn’t want us in the long grass either. However, on the upside it does mean we can do a different walk.
There is a lovely hill just near our house which the last time Shadow went she was up to her knees in mud and came back a very unhappy dog. Do you have any idea how long it takes us to lick off that amount of mud? Anyway, when it’s dry the mud all goes and leaves sand behind. It’s so nice and soft on our paws. When it’s windy it’s not so good as it blows in our eyes and builds up into dunes, but on a nice day it’s lovely feeling it through your toes.
Beach would be better
Ok, so I grant you going to the beach would be better, but that would be a very long walk from the front door. I think there is a limit to how far Mum is willing to walk and in fairness Shadow’s hip would not want to go that far. Shadow is at an age where her head things she’s still a puppy and her body knows different. Actually, to be honest she and Mum make a good pair!
Bird feeding
The birds are better fed round here than the rest of us. Mum has now expanded into nine or maybe it’s ten different types of food. Whilst Shadow and I think it’s a real waste that we can’t actually get to the where the birds are, Mum and Aristotle are really appreciating the different varieties that come down. She never seems to have her camera in her pocket when the best ones are around. Yesterday she spent ages admiring a pair of Gold Finches on one of the feeders and she’s always talking to the Robin. Different sizes of bird seem to come at different times of day. They seem to have a rota system.
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