Sheepdog – Wednesday 30th May 2018


I’m resigning as a cattle herder and putting myself forward as a sheepdog. I’ve given it a lot of thought as we’ve been for walks. Cows are big and scary and moo very loudly making me jump. I tend to back away from them when they try to come and see me. Sheep on the other paw make more gentle sounds and are more my size. I pull towards them every time I see them and Mum tells me off.

Last night there was a lot of excitement for the sheep outside our house. It was not long after Mum took a video of them that the farmer let them out of the field and then ran down the road shaking a big food bucket with the whole flock of sheep running after him. He was moving them to another field and had to go out onto the main road to do it. I was concerned he didn’t have a dog to help him and would have volunteered if Mum hadn’t put her foot down.

Mountain Walks

Mountain walks are all very well until it’s a cloudy day. Our house is at about 900metres. Yesterday the cloud was at about 930 metres, so going up the hill was completely pointless in the morning. We went on the walk we did with Mama and Valeria last Sunday and looked down toward the lake instead.

I was fed up because I so like the mountain walk. Anyway, by mid afternoon when Mum was still walking, I was doing that kid thing, going round in circles saying ‘I’m bored’ every few minutes. I’m pleased to say it worked and as the weather had improved she bundled me into the car and took me up to the top of the hill. We did a different walk this time and went up even further. Mum was out of puff but I was nimble as a goat. I just love it up there. There are lots of wood carvings as you go into the woods, they’re amazing. Even Mum could smell the scent of the pines as we walked among them. We saw lots of Red Kites circling too. Oh and the night before that a fox trotted across the road in front of us when we went for a walk. How cool is that?

Love Wilma

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE

© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind

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  1. Hi Wilma, I love the video of you walking along. It looks so nice there. We are having terrible weather here. Lots of rain and thunder. Luckily I have just had a good run in the fields and seen some of my mates this morning but it is very grey and cloudy.
    Your new house looks amazing. Have a great time for the rest of your holiday. Love to you all Dickens XXXXX

    • Oh Dickens, I wish you could come out here, you’d love it. Today it’s too hot to go for a long walk but I think we’re going to try to find the woods where it will be a big cooler.
      Have fun
      Wilma x

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