Broken Gate
We have another broken gate. Now, given that Wilma normally just jumps over the dog gates you’d think that she wouldn’t both breaking them. Of course, you’d be wrong. Before Wilma moved in the rest of us broke precisely no dog gates. The opening on one of them stopped working, but that was attributed to one of the humans and not to us dogs. Wilma has now used brute force to remove the upright from two gates in the two and a half years she has lived in the house. It’s actually the replacement for the gate she broke last time that she has broken this time! Our Mistress sighed very deeply and told her it will have to come out of her pocket money. Wilma was unabashed. The last gate only lasted for about sixteen months, so it’s not promising.
Our Mistress has taken drastic action. I’ve had to have my antiobiotics extended as I’ve still got an unpleasant little infection. Anyway, that’s not the worst of it. Our Mistress has taken all my bedding and given it a thorough wash to try to make sure everything around me is clean. What is she thinking? What dog wants a clean bed? I pride myself on the layer of dirt I’ve built up over time. I do understand there are times my things need to be washed, but in my book, this was not one of them. Isn’t it bad enough that I have to go back to the vet on Monday? My dignity is being invaded in every direction. What is a dog to do?
We are going to miss our Master being home, if only because the amount of steak being eaten in the house will decrease. He says it’s one of the things he misses most when he’s away, so we’ve been making up for it. He only tends to spoil Shadow but our Mistress tries to make sure the rest of us aren’t left out.
Have a great Saturday
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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