Friday Flashback
Hello everyone, it’s me Wilma with this week’s Friday Flashback. I’ve been looking back at what has happened on this day in previous years.
2006 – here’s what Alfie was up to – a big achievement!
Today is one of the sorts of days that you circle on the calendar and remember to tell your children. What you might ask was so special about this morning? I managed to cock my leg when I peed without falling over. That is a very important step forward, or standing still as the case may be, for a male puppy. I now feel that I have grown up.
2007 – this made me laugh from Alfie when he was eighteen months old
Apparently, I wasn’t supposed to do that! I was all excited, I love having my grandparents here. My mistress was busy working and my grandparents hadn’t come down yet, so I thought I would go up and see them. They are sleeping on the top floor and my mistress hadn’t noticed I had gone, until she heard the noise from upstairs. It turned out they weren’t actually awake yet when I decided to join them in bed. I think from the noises it may have come as a bit of a shock. I certainly got called downstairs by my mistress who seemed to feel the need to apologise on my behalf. They should think themselves honoured that I was missing them that much.
Then in 2009 when Shadow was only 3 months old this made me laugh!
My Master is in charge again. Well at least I like to let him think that he’s in charge, in reality Shadow is the one in charge. I would have liked it to be me, but Shadow wouldn’t let me. I did point out to her that I am the one that can be trusted not to run off with the shoes, envelopes and in fact anything else that is found lying on the floor. I’m also not the one who has tried eating ivy or a mushroom that we found in the garden. To be honest I think she has a cast iron stomach, but she does seem to get rather a lot of wind!
Well that’s the end of looking back for this week. Have a lovely Friday
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
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