Bottom Scratches
Don’t ever underestimate the importance of bottom scratches to a dog. Now I know that this is going to sound odd and it will only make sense to you if you’ve read the last couple of days, but here goes. I have always really liked having my bottom scratched. My Master has always been a very good bottom scratcher. There he was giving me a lovely bottom scratch and it suddenly jolted my memory about who he was. After that I went to him for a cuddle for the first time this week. It meant as much to my Mistress as it did to the two of us. She was starting to despair of me ever remembering who he was again. Now here’s the problem, how am I going to remembers him while he isn’t here? If his smell, which is still around the house doesn’t do it, how can he send me bottom scratches so that I know him when he comes home?
Feeding the Birds
One thing that our Master has been enjoying while he’s at home is feeding the birds. I think our Mistress’s enthusiasm is infectious. They stood a few feet away watching the birds who came down and were joined by a Goldfinch, a Robin, a Blackbird and some starlings. Our Mistress says there are Sparrows and Chaffinches too amongst others. It’s nice now the bird table is out of Shadow’s way so she can’t lie in wait for the birds. I think our Mistress wants a garden seat in the front garden now so that she and Aristotle can sit and watch together. Isn’t it funny how different to his mother he is. He wouldn’t dream of hurting one of the birds, while his mother would think she was failing if she didn’t give chase.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
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