Play Date
You would not believe how excited Aristotle is today. I know he’s six, but he really is a puppy at heart. He’s going on a play date. Because of his bad legs he hasn’t had that many play dates. If he does too much running around he has a few days where his leg hurts and he limps. However, today both he and Wilma are having a play date with his half brother Bernie. Wilma has met up with Bernie from time to time on the race course in York, but today they are going to the paddock at the kennels. That means that Ari can play for as long as he is able and can then safely sit and wait while the others keep playing.
Half Brother
He’s actually as excited to be spending some time with his half brother as he is for the actual play itself. They have the same father and according to our Mistress are both handsome boys. I’m hoping she will take a photo for the family album that she can send to their father.
It did make me wonder just how many half brothers I’ve got in one place or another. I know my dad was dad to a number of different litters, but I think they were mostly in Switzerland and Austria. I guess even the youngest of them would be getting on now. I think my last lot of siblings were born in 2008 so even they would be ten years old this year.
Muck Spreading
Now I know this is completely unrelated to anything else I’ve written today, but trust me it is very high on my mind. They’ve been muck spreading in the field opposite our house this week. That gives rise to two problems. Firstly, Shadow is constantly on the alert telling the rest of us what is going on. It wears thin after a while… well after the first ten minutes if I’m being strictly honest. Then there is the smell. Oh it’s bad. Gloriously, wonderfully bad and as a dog what you really want to do is rush outside and roll in whatever it is. I’m told it’s pig slurry, but to me it smells wonderful. The humans don’t see it in the same light, but that’s humans for you!
Love Alfie
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
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