The Great Outdoors – Monday 26th March 2018

The Great Outdoors

The great outdoors - Aristotle and Shadow
Aristotle and Shadow

Well it feels as though spring is finally here and we are all celebrating the great outdoors. It was one of those days that none of us wanted to go back into the house. Shadow and Aristotle simply refused, I did go in but only because I wanted to be with Mum. At last she is beginning to feel a bit better and had enough energy to have some walks with us. It was just so good to be out taking the air.

The birds are eating the food that Mum puts out as fast as she can restock it. I hope she’s leaving instructions for feeding them when we go away. They are going to be very disappointed if she doesn’t. I said she should write a note for James so he knows how much food to give them.

Getting excited

Dad says the weather is nice in Switzerland too. I’m starting to get excited about  going to see him and seeing my birth family too. My sister has puppies at the moment so I shall be able to introduce myself to them and tell them all about life in a different country. We are going to be visiting three lots of puppies while we are there. One of my other sister’s has puppies, so we’re going to see them too and two of them will be coming to live in this country so I can answer any questions they may have.

Mum has reminded me I will have a lot of work to help her with while we are there as we need to furnish the house that we’ll be living in there. I’ve packed the electric screwdriver ready, although it’s probably safer that I don’t actually use it. I can’t wait to see the house and find if the cows have moved into the field behind it yet.

Have a wonderful day

Love Wilma

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