Tuesday 26th December 2017 – An exciting playdate

Now this is the bit of Christmas I’ve really been looking forward to. Oh the presents and the turkey were great, but today I get to play with my friend Koppa and I don’t see him that often. I’m planning to do a lot of running and a lot of getting muddy before then having another day of putting my paws up. I do fear that Mum will be a bit fed up about the amount of mud I’m planning to be wearing before the morning is out, but this is my bit of Christmas so I hope she won’t complain too much.

We did have a lovely day yesterday with family. I helped eating the turkey, some bacon, carrots and broccoli. I was very good and only had the things I was given and didn’t ask for anything else. Mum was doing the cooking so she made sure I wasn’t missed out. She also made sure I was kept out of the way of the foods we dogs can’t have. Mum is very careful when it comes to things like Christmas pudding and mince pies and knows how dangerous it can be to us dogs. Anyway, the present opening was fun. I helped with the wrapping paper and was particularly interested in some biscuits that Granny had in a musical box. I didn’t get one of those though.

There’s more present opening today, but that’s not for me. It’s Dad’s birthday today so only he gets to open the presents today. I’m hoping he might let me help again as it’s fun. I get to wear my Christmas jumper today as it almost matches the one that Mum will be wearing and we look quite good together. Hopefully someone will take a picture of us.

Anyway, have a lovely Boxing Day

Love from


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© 2017 Rosemary J. Kind

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  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Wilma`s Dad. Hope you have another lovely day. I think it is a quiet day for me. It was hectic here yesterday with Ruby she rather stole the show. At 21 months she was into everything, she is very speedy for one so small. Love Dickens XXX

    • Oh Dickens you would have enjoyed playing today. Oh how we romped. Dad says thank you too.
      Have a great day

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