You will have realised if you’ve read my diary for a while that repairs in this household can be a bit haphazard. Our Master has long since proved that for most household jobs he should be kept as far away as possible and our Mistress is under the delusion that she has the skills to do more jobs than is in fact the case. Sadly, the latest victim of her endeavours was her mobile phone.
The battery on her phone was losing charge, not just going down slowly but dropping to zero if you so much as looked at it. It is not a phone that is designed for easy changing of the battery! However, that was not going to deter our Mistress. Armed with a fairly basic set of tools and some instructions on the internet she went in to do battle. I was not allowed too close. I don’t know if that was more because of the warning that the battery could explode or catch fire, or because she thought I might help to ‘misplace’ the tiny screws. From where I sat in the kitchen all you could hear was a lot of sighing and the occasional rude word. Usually she loses screws but she was careful with those this time. Unfortunately, despite following the instructions very carefully she was thwarted by a worn screw head in a screw in the phone meaning she could not get it out. That was not however what actually broke the phone, it was more her endeavours to use brute force to work around the problem! Either way, the phone has breathed its last and has gone off to mobile phone hell. Unlike most things that our Mistress pictures in a happy place when they die, she has consigned it in her thinking to a fiery existence preserved only for the most hated contraptions.
On a more mundane level, I’m looking forward to going swimming for the first time in several weeks today. I think it will cheer me up no end.
Have a great day
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
Thank you for sharing that Alfie. It made me smile. Enjoy your swimming. xxxxx
thank you