Well that was disappointing. There were so few fireworks that I could see. Unfortunately the big trees at the bottom of our garden still have all their leaves on and I really don’t think they helped. We could hear distant fireworks but we couldn’t actually see them.
Thankfully the rest of the day was rather more enjoyable. I persuaded our Mistress to go back to bed in the morning and got in with her, which is probably the best way there is to spend a Saturday morning. Then we spent some time gardening in the afternoon, which on balance is probably the best way to spend a Saturday afternoon. She was busy building a new rockery and I was busy eating the worms that came to the surface. Now I know what you’re thinking. It would have been more generous of me to leave them for the robin or the other garden birds, but they were just too tempting and I love it when the things I do totally freak out our Mistress. I just shrug and say, ‘What do you expect? I’m a dog!’ although frankly I’d hate to give up some of the human type benefits we get in our house.
Today is going to be more of the same, although I can’t imagine I’ll be able to persuade her to go back to bed two days running. We will be planting some things in the new rockery though, so I can have a second helping of worms. Maybe as today is actually November 5th some people might have fireworks we can actually see, but I’m not holding my breath.
Wilma and Shadow are planning a nice walk this afternoon sometime soon, but I’m just as happy to settle for gardening. It’s much easier on my legs to be able to potter at my own rate and not feel that I have to do too much.
Anyway, happy Sunday
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