Being a dog of the world, there is nothing I like more than being able to go to the pub. Now, you dogs in other parts of the world may not really know what I’m on about as the typical British Pub is something which doesn’t exist everywhere. Of course, being British might be a bit of a giveaway on that front. Oh, I know you get bars, but they just aren’t the same thing at all. Where is the cosy fireplace where a dog can stretch out in luxury? Where are the dark little corners that food can lurk on the floor for months unnoticed until one of us finds it? Going to the pub is something that a dog can do with his master or mistress and sit in idle contemplation of the world. Sadly, our village pub only lets us go once in a while by special arrangement and doesn’t as a matter of course allow us to lounge as we please. It’s probably a good job as if it did I’d be asking to go down on a regular basis. I don’t suppose I’d get much of a look in, seeing as Wilma finds it hard to keep her tongue out of a glass of beer or wine if it’s left anywhere near her. I’m not saying she’s an alcoholic, but she does like a drink. She’d be begging to go down and see who she could charm, which would be pretty much everyone.
Anyway, I’ve digressed. I thought you’d like this chart which gives a bit of information about how dog friendly pubs are in the UK. You can also click HERE to vote for your favourite dog friendly pub. I’m rather hoping you will so I can start to find out where I should be going. That’s reminded me that I’m supposed to be helping Wilma add to our dog friendly hotels section. I’ll give her a nudge and get her doing some work later.
Alfie’s planning to go out and walk his next mile for Heidi’s fund today. Please encourage him by adding your donations here and mark them as being for Alfie. https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/walkforheidi
Have a super Saturday
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE