I don’t often tell you too much about our Mistress’s writing, although I know some of you have read some of her books. Anyway, if you haven’t, you might be interested to know that until 4pm tomorrow you can buy the Kindle version of her first novel The Appearance of Truth for just £0.99 / $1.99 HERE. If you have read it, then please do leave a review on either Amazon or Goodreads or both as that really helps other readers to find books they might enjoy.

Anyway, back to the garden. Aristotle said I could show you some of his flowers as well. He’s particularly excited about the Buddleia although he finds it hard to spell. It is covered with lots of different varieties of butterfly. It’s also not that hard to work out our Mistress’s favourite colours as you go around the garden. You should have seen how excited she has got that the Wisteria is flowering for a second time this summer. I go more on smell than subtle shades of purple when it comes to flowers. Other than that it’s more a case of choosing between eating it and peeing on it. I have killed a fair few things by one means or another. At least, unlike Wilma, I don’t just wantonly pull things up and run round the garden with them. One of our friends asked how, with four of us, we managed to have any plants at all. I think our Mistress works on the base of planting twice as many as she expects to have left at the end of the day or put them in the front garden!
Ari went swimming yesterday instead of me. His need is much greater at the moment and our Mistress said as I seemed to be quite well would I mind. Of course, I do mind, but even I hate to see him struggling so he’s going next week too to try and get a bit more strength back in his legs.
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE