Sunday 2nd July 2017 – I must have missed my invite

Our Master and Mistress went to Strawberries and Pimms on the Village Green and didn’t take us. I hope you’re as shocked at that as I was. I have even heard on the grapevine that there were other dogs there. It gets worse, one of Wilma’s friends even went in the village pond for a swim. To be fair, Mack wasn’t actually at the strawberries and he wasn’t supposed to be in the pond, but he slipped his lead and made a dash for it. It was quite a hot afternoon so I suspect he’d probably got the right idea. I’m going to have a bit of a chat with our Mistress about whether I might try going in for a little swim, on the days I can’t go to swimming. I suspect she will say no but I won’t know if I don’t ask.

As part of a project to write a village history book the humans are doing an up to date census. I’ve seen the form and I’m very concerned. Nowhere does it ask any questions about the ages and occupations of any dogs in the household. What an oversight! I’m sure it hasn’t been done deliberately. I thought maybe I would write out my own census form and nip round with it to get a more complete set of information. I might extend it past dogs to other household occupants and have a column for species, although there are some I’d rather not find myself sharing a village with if I’m being strictly honest. I can deal with cats and rabbits, but I would have more concern about snakes!

Today I’m hoping to be helping with the gardening again. It’s one of my favourite times of the week sitting talking to our Mistress while she pots up some of the seedlings. Some of them even get as far as growing in the garden, but the ones we’ll be working on aren’t quite at that stage at the moment.

Have a happy Sunday


You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. I am shocked Aristotle! I wonder how strong the Pimms was? Sammi helped me in the garden yesterday. We are off to Cholmondeley Castle and gardens today for the day. Sammi loves it, lovely walks and the girls in the tea rooms spoil her with treats. A great Sunday to you all. xxx

    • Although our Mistress was making up the jugs of Pimms to normal measures, she was only drinking water!
      I’m going to try to sneak out to see if I can join you and Sammi. I’m sure no one will mind

  2. We certainly wouldn’t have minded Ari. We had a lovely day. Hope you all did too. xxx

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