Monday 5th June 2017 – On our way home

Yesterday was good and bad in equal measure. I HATE being in season. I feel out of sorts and miss going for long walks. I’ve been grumpy and really don’t want other dogs around. It actually makes me feel quite glad that I can’t have puppies and won’t have to go through this every few months.

On a brighter note, yesterday I saw my birth Mum which was wonderful. Both of my first humans were there too and I was pleased to be with them. It was a bit of a family day really, my birth mum, two sisters, two nephews and a niece as well as some of my most important humans. I wished Dad was here – my human one that is, I’ve not met my birth dad but I’m told I’m very like him, which is a compliment I think. Trying to get a photo of me with my birth mum and my sister Valeria was quite hard as being in season makes it all a bit hormonal and we get annoyed with each other easily. My sister Tosca is not in the photo as she is in season too and that would have all got too difficult.

The other photo is my niece, Sybil and my nephews Elliot and Eiger, all of whom are moving to the UK over the next week or so.

It was all quite a lot of excitement anyway and today it won’t be too bad to have to sleep the day away as we’re travelling. I’m not supposed to be sleeping too much though as I’m in charge of looking after my niece Sybil. Apparently Mum is holding me responsible for making sure she doesn’t chew anything she should not have in the car and of telling them when she wants to stop for the toilets. We’re going to be in the car for quite a long time so I hope I remember to shout – otherwise it’s going to be a very smelly journey.

Love, Wilma

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Hi Wilma and Sybil, hope you have a safe journey home. Keep an eye on the humans too and make sure they stop for comfort breaks. Everyone needs to eat drink and stretch their legs! They are saying we will be having rain later and it will be windy. I hate that kind of weather as it ruins my walks. Love from us all Dickens XX

    • Thank you, Dickens. It was a very long drive today but thankfully it wasn’t too bad as it’s a bank holiday here and it was fine for most of the day.

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