Wednesday 3rd May 2017 – An available Entlebucher puppy

Sharing our Mistress

I thought I’d tell you about the lovely Marley who is looking for a home. He’s in Switzerland but could move here after he has his vaccinations. He did have a home to go to, but his poor human has to have a big operation so they couldn’t keep him. His brother is coming to England to live and he says he’s just love to be coming too. He is a lovely boy with beautiful markings and is very keen to find his forever home. If you would like to know more about Marley then please email me or our Mistress.

There is a big difference between pigeons and doves, certainly in our garden. Whilst the pigeons are busy destroying the tree, the doves are quietly sunning themselves on the decking to the summerhouse. It’s a shame that they probably won’t like the falcon when it arrives, but I guess that can’t be helped. Aristotle almost got close enough to have a conversation with them. He and I don’t both about chasing birds as Shadow does and nothing seems to think he’s all that threatening so they tend to stick around. He wanted to explain that the falcon wouldn’t be real and that they didn’t need to be alarmed, but I said that danger of that was that the pigeons might overhear.

Our Mistress on the other paw is busy being ecstatic about how well the wisteria is doing. She planted it when we moved in seven years ago and wasn’t sure the soil there was good enough for it to do much. Now it’s doing so well that she’s going to plant another on the other side of the house so she can get them to cover the whole front. She likes almost anything that’s purple, except perhaps bruises, and is particularly fond of wisteria.

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