Wednesday 26th April 2017 – Who ordered winter?

Just as we thought spring was in the air it disappeared again without trace. To be fair, not totally without trace there is a fair amount of blossom shivering in the cold wind out there. There is also a rather alarming appearance to our cherry tree. It looks as though a plague of locusts have buzzed through and eaten all the foliage of the lower parts of the branches. Something has stripped them bare to about half way along each branch. Our Mistress is really not happy and has no idea what has done it. She’s only glad they have left the other fruit trees alone. We need to wait to find out whether they have destroyed the chance of any fruit in the process, not that our Mistress normally manages to get to eat the fruit before the wildlife has it. Something round here seems to like half-ripened cherries which is a bit of a shame if you are waiting for them to ripen before picking them.

We heard the exciting news that there’s going to be another litter of Entlebucher puppies born in the UK in another four weeks’ time. I’m trying not to focus on the fact that it’s my girlfriend who’s pregnant by another dog. His name is Falco and I just hope I never get to meet him. Anyway, she’s pregnant and that’s all there is to it. It has been over a year since there has been a litter born here. It’s why we’ve been working so hard trying to find good puppies to import, because there are so many people waiting for them. That and of course we need lots more to join the breeding programme. We don’t know exactly how many Bella will have. It’s at least two, but possibly more than that. It was hard for the vet to tell. Congratulations, Bella, upset as I am, I’m still very proud of you.



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  1. We are all pleased to hear the news about Bella. Congratulations! I will be looking out for the news about the new puppies. I have just done a security check in the garden and now having another snooze until my walk. Love to you all Dickens XXXXX
    PS My Mum has new E mail address.

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