Sunday 23rd April 2017 – Ari gets political

Well if you are English then it’s our national day, so happy St George’s day to my fellow English dogs and humans. Shadow and I will be celebrating the day quietly by asking for an extra biscuit. If that’s granted I shall remind our Mistress that Alfie is Belgian and Wilma is Swiss so we should eat theirs too. I wonder what dragons St George would feel the need to slay in this day and age. I rather like the fire breathing type so it would be nice to refocus his energy on some of the real problems the country needs saving from.

Alfie said he’s too old to be getting involved in politics now, but I’m not and I’m rather hoping that the election in this country might mean we can stay in the EU. I don’t want to have to give up my European Pet Passport and be subject to travel restrictions. I’ve grown up as a European dog even though I’m English and I know a lot of young people and dogs feel the same. Maybe this St George’s Day is a good time to refocus on the chance of England as part of Europe, playing an active part in the world and not being left in isolation left at the whim of whichever power throws us the odd crumb.

I tried saying to Alfie that he should update the Pet Dogs Democratic Party Manifesto and stand for Parliament himself, but he says his policies are clearly set out and haven’t changed. I thought I’d post a few bits of it in the run up to the election so you can see what you should be voting for.

Have a wonderful day,



Being both a thinking dog and a dog of action, it occurred to me that the world would be a far better place if dogs were more involved in the political processes which shape our lives. It was a bit like knocking down a domino line, once I had that thought, the needs of dogs and the injustices we face became apparent one after another. That was what inspired me to form the Pet Dogs Democratic Party (PDDP) and which brings me to challenge dogs and humans everywhere to take up the cause and embrace the policies of our party.

Oh you may have thought that the idea of the PDDP running the country was a ridiculous one, but come on, be honest, do you really think a country run by dogs would be any more of a mess? Think of the upsides. You would be able to rely on plenty of naps, and eating, being very high on our list of priorities. It would no longer be socially unacceptable to have a good scratch in public and there would be a rapid end to the British reserve. Handshaking would be a thing of the past, with everyone being encouraged to have a good sniff of each other as a means of introduction. Doesn’t seem such a stupid idea now, does it?

Unlike many other political parties you will not find the old ‘class’ distinctions holding sway. Mongrels, cross-breeds and pedigrees stand equal in our eyes, whether they be human or canine. We want a society which is about equality of opportunity for all, regardless of background. You don’t have to be a dog to join the party any more than you have to be a Martian to join the Green party. It is all about signing up to our values and saying, ‘Yes, I want a world in which a dog has equal rights. I want a world in which the civil liberties of a dog are upheld and valued. I want a world in which 4 legs and 2 legs stand equal, side by side in our struggle for a better world.’

If you have not already done so, in addition to reading our manifesto, you can buy membership of the party for yourself or as a gift for someone else ( we charge extra if that someone is a C A T).

Working dogs are, of course, welcome to join, but we do believe that even working dogs should have a hearth to share in an evening and, besides which, the Pet and Working Dogs Democratic Party is a big of a mouthful, although when I think about it, PAW DDP is quite attractive as an acronym.

Be proud, say it loud, ‘I am a member of the Pet Dogs Democratic Party!’

You can buy the Pet Dogs Democratic Party Manifesto HERE

You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE