I had my quarterly blood test yesterday and I was a very brave boy. In fairness, the beta blockers are making being brave a little easier, but I was still worried by the puppy in the waiting room and not at all happy when there were two dogs waiting when I came out. The vet was really lovely talking through with me all the things I find difficult and what we’re doing to work round it. There isn’t much more we could do than we are doing as far as she could see. Our Mistress has been talking to Shadow about whether she would be prepared to give up her room for me. I’ve said I’d quite like to try being in the snug as it’s brighter and there is a rather attractive patch of sunlight I’d like to try lying in. It would keep me further away from Aristotle too, so I wouldn’t get so stressed. I think they need to talk though some of the things that Shadow isn’t so happy about before we really give it a go.
We spent yesterday morning working in the summerhouse other than the vet visit. While our Mistress worked I had quite a nice time going round looking at the tulips. It’s the first year they’ve really started to do well and even I have to admit they are nice to sniff as well as look at. The spare Christmas tree that our Mistress accidentally bought at Christmas has been planted in a pot so it doesn’t grow too much, but our Mistress says she doesn’t think it stands any chance of survival if it stays where it is. Basically she will forget it. Anyway, the good news from my point of view is that she has agreed we can put it in the back garden. I think I might rather like it there.
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