Monday 10th April 2017 – Getting my humans where I want them

This is my 'Why are you working when I want to play' face!

I think I have just about perfected the art of getting my humans to do exactly as I want. Oh there are little hiccoughs along the way when they forget themselves and think they are in charge, but on the whole I’ve just about perfected the art of twisting them round my little paws. It is really quite easy as I love them very much and I’ve found that showing that at every opportunity gets me most things. My Mum is pretty soppy about all of us, but whereas the boys are very clear that Mum is their human and she comes first I do my best to treat them equally. Shadow is more like a cat and sees the humans as all being there to meet her needs but I like being cuddled too much for that. I always, without fail, get up to give Dad a big hug when he comes to bed. We usually go up before he does and I’d hate him not to know how pleased we are to see him. Mum and Alfie are usually asleep at that point and we’ve got it down to a fine art of not disturbing them. Sometimes I get into bed with Dad at other times too. We have some lovely cuddles. He gives some amazing tummy rubs too. Mum gets cross sometimes as she says she doesn’t want lots of dog hair in the bed, but I just look at her with my big brown eyes and put my ears back to make me look utterly adorable and she relents.

I’m finding putting together my travel guide is harder than I’d imagined. One of the hotels I’d stayed in and recommended would have been convenient for our journey back from Switzerland in a few weeks. When Mum went to book it she found it doesn’t take dogs anymore, so was really fed up. I’ve had to take it off my recommendations. Why would any hotel that was so good for dogs stop letting us stay there? They really are missing out.

I’m off to see who’s available to cuddle me. Have a great week.


You can find short stories to read at

Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE