Wednesday 5th April 2017 – We cannot have an alpaca

Just because they look cute is no reason to decide you want one. Although to be fair that is how our Mistress has ended up with four of us to look after. There is a field we pass when we go swimming that now has some alpacas in it. Our Mistress says she wants an alpaca. Now, you know it’s not practical and I know it’s not practical but would someone like to get that through to our Mistress? When we got back yesterday she started looking up how to look after an alpaca. I presumed that she wouldn’t find anything useful, but you’re not going to believe this, there is somewhere only a few miles from us that offers courses in alpaca care. She has sent the link to our Master and said she’d like to go on the course for her birthday. I’m pleased to say our Master does not think it’s a good idea. Aren’t we enough for her? Besides that, isn’t an alpaca going to get fed up being herded by four Entlebuchers? With any luck she will settle for being able to visit someone else’s alpacas, where you can actually go for a walk with them. Better still she could just enjoy going for a walk with us and forget about the alpacas altogether.

Me and Wilma

To be fair, she isn’t actually safe to be allowed out on her own. She fell over when she took my swimming and managed to get a really good bruise on her leg. Wilma was very concerned and did go to see if our Mistress was ok, but thankfully she could get up on her own. I’d want our Mistress to lose some weight before I volunteered to try to pick her up! I wonder if you can get an assistance alpaca to act as a guide for her.

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