Thursday 23rd February 2017 – Alfie’s Vet Visit

Alfie is going to be trying beta-blockers to see if they can help with his anxiety and how he is behaving. He isn’t going to start them until after the weekend as Mum and I won’t be around to keep an eye on him during that time. We’re off on a few days travels, but I’ll tell you more about that later. Alfie’s swollen thyroid may be making him miserable if it’s pressing on his neck, but there is no sign of anything other than the thyroid condition he is already being treated for. Mum said it will be feeling strange in his neck based on her own experience a few years ago. She had to have hers removed, but at one point had thyroiditis which made it very swollen and you start worrying about how it feels too. She thinks that may just be adding to Alfie’s stress and dementia and making it all much worse. Let’s just hope it helps him.

It’s going to be odd being without them for a few days. I’m going to see my grandparents and then we’re going to see Alfie’s girlfriend, which seems a bit mean without him, but we’ve promised to take her photos for him. I said maybe we could take one of his blankets for her to lie on so we can bring her smell back for him. Mum said that was a really nice thought.

I started helping Mum with the planning for our Swiss trip yesterday. It’s at very early stages so I can’t really tell you much yet. It is going to be amazing seeing Mama and my sisters Valeria and Tosca again. If things go to plan I shall be visiting a heart specialist too and then we will know more about the cause of my heart murmur. It really doesn’t seem to be anything to worry about and it doesn’t stop me having boundless energy, but it probably does mean I won’t have puppies. I think it will be nice to have a final decision rather than keep hoping.

Have a lovely Thursday


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Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE


  1. Hope the treatment helps Alfie. Sending him lots of cuddles. Have a lovely trip Wilma. Happy waggy tail Thursday to you all. xxx

    • Thank you. I’m just getting worried because Mum hasn’t packed my food yet but she says it’s on the list. Oh and Storm Doris seems to have arrived so I think it’s going to be a slow journey.
      Have a lovely day

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