I’ve not actually seen them myself, but Wilma came back from the village all excited. I’ve told you about the village pond needing to be dredged every 25 years and that’s what has been happening. Well, the ducks moved out while the work was taking place and went into temporary accommodation wherever they could find a suitable puddle and some shelter. Now the pond is slowly refilling from its natural spring. Then, a few days ago, the first of the ducks were seen to be walking around the Green inspecting the work. Clearly it was to their satisfaction, as today we are happy to report that around half a dozen of them and a moorhen have moved back in. The pond still has a way to go to refill and it will be a long time before the banks have completely recovered, but the ducks have said they are quite pleased with progress so far and are glad to be back in their own home in time for Christmas. They’ve even got their own Christmas tree with lights on it at the corner of the village hall.
Meanwhile Wilma promised I’d bring you a photograph of Santa’s visit to the village last Sunday and here it is. I think Santa enjoyed himself almost as much as the children did.
Also could you all say a little prayer for Heidi? I’ll tell you more when I can, but she is not at all well. One of her kidneys is very swollen and she has to have more urgent treatment. It’s all very serious and as she’s already trying to fight a bad infection the treatment is urgent. They have to get a part for it from America but we’re really hoping that they can take her in on Wednesday this week. We’ve all got our paws crossed for her. If you know anyone who would like to donate to her treatment costs then please share this link as we’re really going to need some help with it. https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/HeidiEntlebucher
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