I don’t know what it is but Alfie has never been much of a tv watcher. I on the other paw get very involved in what is on the screen. Sometimes that has unexpected consequences, such as the sit com that only occasionally has a dog on it, but always in the scenes in a particular place. As soon as that place comes on I’m ready, glued to the screen almost literally, waiting to make sure the dog does not step out of the tv and into our lounge. Anyway, the other evening, our Mistress insisted on choosing what was on, which is something that does not happen often. She chose The Secret Life of Zoos. I was transfixed. The tiger was so very big. Admittedly it’s quite a big television, but I didn’t know whether to try to sniff it or run away. Our Mistress told me I should never show my fear, but there were two tigers practically in our lounge. Now I’m wondering if perhaps they could let me have my own tv in my room, so I can watch it when they go out. I did gently mention it, but our Mistress said if she ever did that she’d have to be very careful in setting up the ‘parental restrictions’ on what I could watch. I think she’s most worried that I might start watching programmes on DIY and get it into my head to try some of them. I was more interested in things such as safecracking, but I’m not going to mention that to her!
Meanwhile, every so often our Mistress does some very strange things. I caught her trying to cheer herself up about how little daylight we’ve got by looking up the weather information for Tromso, which is in the Arctic Circle. Why she should be cheered by knowing they get so little daylight beats me as it doesn’t actually make any difference to the amount we get.
Have a happy Sunday
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