I thought that picture we had of our Master in pantomime from the other day was bad enough, but now I’m really worried. Our Mistress managed to take this so you could see another of his costumes. She has also uploaded a video to Youtube so you can see for yourself what has been described on national radio as ‘Britain’s smallest pantomime’. What is a dog to think when this is his master? Oh it’s not so much what he’s wearing, we pay little attention to things like that, we accept every human as they are. It’s more the whole way he suddenly started behaving with it. It was very bizarre. This is the sort of behaviour you are unlikely to see from your dog!
To be honest, we four dogs are all a little bit excited. Our Mistress has finished writing the books she was working on, one of which comes out on Wednesday, and she is taking a bit of a break for a few weeks in December. She has promised that that will mean more time with all of us. We’ve been told that we can have longer walks if we want them and that she will let us help her with all the little jobs she wants to catch up with around the house. Alfie will probably still prefer to sit quietly in the kitchen, but she’s said that’s ok as she will do some baking with him. I’m happy to help with the housework and it can be great fun when Wilma’s trying to help too. Although we do seem to make things take a little longer. We’ve got to be good for a few days first, while she finishes off the things she was doing but then we’re hoping for a few weeks of real doggy fun.
Hope you all have a great week
Love Aristotle
You can find short stories to read at www.alfiedog.com
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE