Aristotle here everyone. I’m planning to spend the day putting together my Christmas list. I’ve been thinking of all the little things that would make my life easier. So far, I’ve got down a little set of steps to climb up onto the settee with. Actually we could do with buying them in bulk so there are some by the bed as well. Obviously, I’m going to want a bone or two but I’m not really a very demanding dog, so I don’t think there are many other things I need. I’m even prepared to share the steps with the others as long as I can book time on the settee whenever I want it.
Our Mistress, who complains every year about the ridiculous idea of ‘Black Friday’, was a little quiet about it yesterday. It turned out she’d managed to buy our Master’s birthday present at a good discount and also some outdoor fairy lights she’d had her heart set on. The lights are to replace the ones she got last year that only lasted two days until she ran over the cable. This time she has gone for ones that work by battery so that there won’t be any leads running across the drive. We will just have to wait to see if they last for more than two days! They should be arriving today but I think she’s said that Christmas can’t actually begin until the first of December, so we may have to wait until Thursday to see how they look. I think she’s hoping to go to buy a tree next weekend too, so I shall be volunteering to help with decorating that. I just need to get her to turn her mind to baking for Christmas then, although obviously only if what she’s baking is dog friendly.
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