Grandpa is 91 today, which makes him much older than me. He’s fitter than me too. Our Mistress says he’s fitter than she is and that his genes seem to have passed her by. Ah well. Anyway, Grandpa we all hope you have a wonderful day.
I don’t suppose it helps our Mistress that we get her up so early in the morning. It was 5.30 again yesterday, but looking on the bright side the moon was still pretty large and it was visible so she went back in to get her camera. On the downside, by the time she’d finished she didn’t feel much like going back to sleep. Or more to the point, she did but there wasn’t all that much opportunity. It was a funny day as the old settee was collected and Wilma is now having to get used to a chair as her favourite place instead. She likes sitting right up close to our Mistress’s desk but wants somewhere a little more comfortable than the floor or my bed that’s just to the side. Anyway, our Mistress’s camera was still on the desk so she ended up taking Wilma’s picture and then again when Wilma came to have a good bark at her because she wasn’t willing to play.

On the bright side, it now means that our Mistress will be able to light the fire in the office when it gets cold during the day. We’ll all be choosing our favourite spots in front of the fire then. I might even decide I’d rather be there than in the kitchen. Shadow says she’s happy in the front room even though it won’t be so warm. Although I did hear her asking our Mistress whether she could have her own fire lit on really cold days. Knowing our Mistress she’ll say yes!
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