It’s so much easier for humans to do things. For a start the humans in the house, or at least one of them, knows how the oven works. I want to bake a birthday cake for Alfie. It’s his birthday next Sunday and other than Mum he’s my best friend in the whole world. I was hoping to do it on Saturday so it was still nice and fresh, but I’m going out for the day to see my grandparents so I’m going to have to try to do it when we get back. I suppose he doesn’t need to eat it until the afternoon, so there will still be time. I want to include some of his favourite foods in it like carrot and yoghurt and steak. I just need to find a recipe that looks easy to make and then persuade Mum to help me.
Aristotle has been getting in on the selfie craze and after Alfie’s one that he posted he asked if I could include the one he took of himself. He really is rather handsome! Mum says I’ve got the most gorgeous eye lashes. She’s never really noticed them on the others before but apparently mine are very pretty.
Dad’s been doing a lot of practising for the pantomime. The productions start next week. We won’t get to see him in his costumes but he will come home wearing his make up between the afternoon performance and the evening one on the Saturday. I’m quite excited, although Alfie said he didn’t really like it when Dad was made up as the baddy in previous years. Thankfully he still smells the same so we’ll know it’s him.
We didn’t do much walking at the weekend as Mum wasn’t feeling too well and the weather was bad. I’m hoping she’s going to make up for it today with a nice long walk. I’m happy to go in any weather.
Have a good week
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