Monday 5th September 2016 – Going too far
Ari told you about Mum’s latest obsession with pretending she is hiking the trails of Yosemite, well I can honestly say she is going too far… or more to the point not far enough. When it came to bedtime she asked Dad if there were bears in Yosemite. The problem was that she was still 1500 steps from the end of the trail and she didn’t want to sleep out in the open. The rest of us could plainly see she was going to be secure under the duvet in the bedroom, but you have to humour these humans sometimes. Anyway, despite our reassurances she spent the next twenty minutes walking backwards and forwards around the house so she could finish the trail before getting into bed. I’m just the puppy of the household and I’m seriously concerned!
We did do something a bit more normal yesterday and helped marshall the 10 kilometre race which is run by our village. We had to stand there making sure all the runners went the right way and slow down traffic. We cheered the ones on who were struggling too. It was great fun. I’d offered to run it, but none of the family felt up to running it with me. There were about 350 people entered in the race, which is more than the total number of people who live in our village. I was just disappointed that I didn’t get my own marshalling jacket like Dad’s.
Alfie is off to the vet this afternoon. The lump on his paw is worse and it’s hurting. Mum found two more lumps on his elbow too and he’s feeling a bit sorry for himself. We do hope it is all sorted ok. The one on his paw is bleeding, which isn’t much fun for him.
Have a good week,
Love Wilma
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