As we went for our walk yesterday, Mum and I had a long talk about what she was doing last week and she tried to explain the bits that would be useful to me too. She talked about the need to visualise success. We talked about me needing to do that for my test on Wednesday. So far my season hasn’t started, so it looks as though there will be a good chance I’m going to make it. Apparently if I can visualise myself holding my certificate and having my photo taken at the end it will help me to get all my exercises right. I said I thought a nice bit of cheese might have much the same effect. Anyway, Mum said in working on her book at the moment she is visualising the book tour at the end of it and she said I’d be sitting at her feet. That bit sounded ok to me, but it did make me start to think she might be expecting me to play a part in the work before we get there. It’s ok, I like working but I’m not really sure what she needs me to do yet.
We did have some fun trying to take some portraits of me for the picture that’s being drawn by one of Mum’s friends. I asked whether it could appear on the jacket of her next book with her picture, but she thinks that’s unlikely. You have to try. Anyway, now I’m visualising my photo on the cover of her book to see if that will bring about some success and of course change her mind about including me. Alfie’s picture has appeared so I’m thinking it’s my turn. Mum pointed out that Alfie had written a book first, so I might need to get thinking about what I want to write about.
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